Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“It’s so enjoyable to come before you with uncontainable praises spilling from our hearts! How we love to sing our praises over and over to you, to the matchless God, high and exalted over all! At each and every sunrise we will be thanking you for your kindness and your love. As the sun sets and all through the night, we will keep proclaiming, ‘You are so faithful!’ No wonder I’m so glad; I can’t keep it in! Lord, I’m shouting with glee over all you’ve done, for all you’ve done for me! What mighty miracles and your power at work, just to name a few. Depths of purpose and layers of meaning saturate everything you do. You’re so good! ‘You’re my beautiful strength! You’ve never made a mistake with me.”‘ Psalm 92:1-2,4-5, 15b TPT

We have all heard the saying, that music soothes the soul. I, like so many others, can agree with this, in that so many times when life seems to just punch you out. leaving you either feeling sorry for yourself or letting anger begin to take hold, have come to the realization that it’s time to turn things around. I have found that listening to, or singing praises to our Heavenly Father, can in fact soothe the soul. Singing praises is a privilege granted to us through the love and kindness of our Father. This Psalm was the song that was sung by the Levites in the Second Temple period at the time of the daily Sabbath offering. It describes God’s blessings upon the righteous, as well as his judgement upon the wicked, while placing emphasis on his steadfast love for all. When Praising God, we are thanking him for his kindness and compassionate love, as we consistently, through faith and prayer, seek his peace, knowing it can be ours, all for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of thanking you as we sing your praises, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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