Holy Week, Friday

Today as we move toward the Cross and Resurrection morning.

Friday: after Jesus’ arrest in the garden last night, and his assaults through the night, mocked, beaten and spat upon. He is taken from the chief priest to Pilate,then to Herod, and back to Pilate because only he had the authority to pronounce the death sentence. Pilate understands who Jesus is at some level and tries to release him through an act of mercy, yet the people choose Barabbas, and declare the National verdict over their Messiah, crucify Him! Crucify Him!!! So Pilate chooses his own life and comfort, and decrees scourging and crucifixion for Jesus. After a most brutal scourging with rods to bruiseJesus’ body before the scourging began, then lashes that removed flesh and exposed bone and tendons. All this in the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy…”by his Stripes” (Isaiah 53:1-10) From the whipping post He carried our Cross through the city and out the sheep gate which he had entered a few days earlier to the cheers of, Messiah! Son of David! Save Us! This was exactly what he was doing! At Golgotha He is Nailed to the cross, through the carpel tunnel for maximum pain, then the cross is dropped into its hole. There is no relief for the pain, suffocation and excruciating pain flood his body and mind as on lookers mock his nakedness. To the one at His side who asks, Jesus grants forgiveness and a promise of paradise. As He bears the price of All Sin, he cry’s out to Papa, “Father, forgive them for they do not what they are doing” Six hours on the cross, For three hours, darkness covers the land, (full solar eclisp) and then Jesus commends His Spirit into Papas hands and breathes his last breath! “It is finished” Now, an earthquake, and the curtain in the temple is torn from to to bottom! The Atonement is accomplished!!! The bride price has been paid!
As evening approaches, Joseph and Nicodemus ask Pilate for permission to remove Jesus body from the cross and place it in the tomb. And just before sundown the tomb is closed and the disciples are hiding and afraid….
Posted in Jim Newman.

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