We all have days, (more than likely everyday), when our natural life struggles with our spiritual life because the everyday ”real world” gets in the way. We know Satan is loving every moment of it and will take advantage of every opportunity to reel us in to “his world” just to make us miserable. As Christians we know what we have to do to avoid all that. The more we focus on our spiritual life and fill ourselves with God’s truth we know how to cope in the “real world.” Still, not an easy task, but it’s learning to walk away from a confrontation, letting hurtful comments go, as the person that made them might have done so to make themselves feel better. It’s knowing that your are right with God, not for the natural man, and when you can turn away from the hurtful things in the natural world, you set the example of who a spiritual person is and who one looks like in the eyes of God. You might even leave those who don’t “get it” scratching their heads as to why you didn’t retaliate, a great way to start a spiritual dialogue!

Roman 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Heavenly Father, We pray for strength to withstand the attack from.the enemy, help us in the real world to discern truth from lies and to stand firm in our beliefs. May our hearts be filled with love and not distrust, and may we learn to show more compassion to others as You shower us with Yours. We pray for wisdom to make the right choices and to live a life that pleases You. In your precious name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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