How often don’t we hear the term “it happened in a blink of an eye” when something unexpected happens to altar or change our lives? It could be anything from an unexpected medical diagnosis, losing a loved one, tragic accident, financial issues, etc. It’s a daunting situation to say the least as these things can, and most likely will, change everything in your life and it is up to the individual how to handle it. In some cases immediate decisions have to be made, which is extremely difficult, but in most cases time is on our side. There are so many emotions to deal with, shock, despair, grief, sadness, and “what’s next?” Once all these emotions have been absorbed and we see the extent of whats happened, then we can began to deal with it. No where in the bible does it say the path would be easy, if anything it said, and we’ve read about it, there would be many mountains to move along the way. Our one stability is knowing that our God IS unchanging and through Him we can and will get through whatever changes there are in our lives, we only need to listen and believe. God can also change things for good “in the blink of an eye!”

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Heavenly Father, give us the strength to learn how to accept the things we can’t change and the courage and wisdom to change the things that we can. In your precious name. Amen
Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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