Reading the Bible for some, is like reading a magazine, newspaper or any book, just words, and what do they really get out of it? The Bible can be confusing depending on the interpretation and if its not read on a regular basis. If we aren’t taught from the early stages of life about the Bible and what it means, we can become lost. These are God’s words of love to us so that our lives may be more enriched by all the good and wonderful things He has in store for us. His words connect us to where it all began and where we are headed. The Bible, when well understood, gives us the tools to live a life that God wants for us. For me, attending Bible Studies has opened my eyes on so many levels as the words and sentences of the passages studied can be broken down and put back together to make sense and you can say, “I really get it,” and I can finally say I know what God is telling me, I’m becoming to know the Bible Author intimately, do you? In a world that is breaking, I pray that more Bibles will be used as God intended them to be, as tools to repair it.

Proverbs 2:6
For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

Heavenly Father, continue to help us grow through your words, to understand and gain the wisdom we so desire from you, and keep your words in our hearts to help heal a broken world. In your precious name. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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