Feeling frustrated can be a daily experience for many of us when we are bombarded with several questions at one time that we don’t have immediate answers for, or things are not going in the order as planned. Of course there is always the traffic issues, waiting in lines, and, if you have children it’s seeing to all there needs not to mention getting them to their activities they may be involved with on time. We learn as Christians that there are ways to cope with these situations but frequently we still let frustration get the best of us. I know God doesn’t want us to miss any blessed opportunities by resolving our frustration in impulsive and irrational ways, which could cause more harm than good, but rather in a calm and peaceful way, more pleasing to Him. If we can learn to stop, take a breath and listen for God’s voice for guidance would certainly be a more peaceful solution. Something we all need to continually practice. There are blessings we may miss if we can’t control our frustrations!

James 1:19-20
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

Father, please grant us peace in time of frustration. Help us to learn to pause and take a breath and listen for your voice. Help us to stay anchored in your presence. In your precious name we pray. Amen
Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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