Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“A rebellious nation is thrown into chaos, but leaders anointed with wisdom will restore law and order. Justice never makes sense to men devoted to darkness, but those tenderly
devoted to the Lord can understand justice perfectly. If you close your heart and refuse to
listen to God’s instruction, even your prayer will be despised. The triumphant joy of God’s
lovers releases great glory. But when the wicked rise to power, everyone goes into hiding.
Abusive leaders fail to employ wisdom, but leaders who despise corruption will enjoy a long and full life. Life’s blessings drench the honest and faithful person, but punishment rains down upon the greedy and dishonest. When wicked leaders rise to power, good people go into hiding. But when they fall from power, the godly take their place.” Proverbs
28:2,5,9,12,16,20,28 TPT

For a nation to survive, it is imperative that its leaders be strong, courageous, Spirit-filled,
and one who follows God. Throughout the Old Testament, we read about the various Kings, or rulers, those who followed God and were loyal to Him, and those who did not. We can see how the people responded, and whether the Nation grew and prospered, or declined, due to leaving God out. Our Nation is no exception. As Christians, we need to seek God through prayer, not only for our nation, but also to include those in leadership desiring His wisdom.

In these passages we find that for a government or a society to prosper, there must be stability among the leadership. A faithful leader is one who is trustworthy, diligent, and reliable in all his, or her, responsibilities. When a righteous leader, one who follows God’s law, is in power, the nation, or community, prospers. Leadership within any form, no matter the capacity, for one to succeed, there must be a viable relationship with God present, and we know that it is available, simply for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of a nation, a community, or anyone requiring a leader, to seek those who seek the Lord, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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