Just A Few Of My Thoughts…

“When people work, they earn wages. It can’t be considered a free gift, because they earned it. But no one earns God’s righteousness. It can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own works, but believe in the one who powerfully declares the ungodly to be righteous in his eyes. It is faith that transfers God’s righteousness into your account! Even King David himself speaks to us regarding the complete wholeness that comes inside a person when God’s powerful declaration of righteousness is heard over our life. Apart from our works, God’s work is enough. Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us. Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy burst forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory!” Romans 4:4-6, 5:1-2 TPT

In order for us to obtain our material possessions, we either want or need, we have to work, in some capacity, earning the wages necessary for purchasing. For so many of us, our jobs might even have required several years of training. Nevertheless, earthly possessions for the most part are not free, even though we are blessed, and our lives made somewhat easier with them, having the ability to purchase forgiveness, peace, or enough faith to face whatever comes our way are not for sale.

Strangely enough, according to this passage and so many others found throughout His Word, Jesus stood in our place, allowing us, by faith to be made strong, to live in peace, even to eventually live with Him. Such a magnificent gift, to know that by faith, it can be ours, all for the asking!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, that regardless of our various occupations, Your work in and through us, with faith, guarantees us permanent access to our lasting peace, as we continue to ask.

In Christ Love

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