The Live Nativity scene

The Live Nativity scene put on by Cainsville Community Church on the evening of December 21, 2022 was deemed a great success. We pray that it touched each and every person that witnessed it in a way that they knew and felt the very presence of our Lord and Savior was with them. We are thankful for all of the participants that made it possible and that as they depicted this small part of the Greatest Story Ever Told that they were blessed and felt the love of Jesus with us.
Some very kind folks prepared lasagna, chili and spaghetti along with salads and several sweets for those who visited in the fellowship hall during the Live Nativity and before the concert.
After the Live Nativity wrapped up, we were blessed with a unique telling of the Christmas Story by Donna Ulisse & The Poor Mountain Boys. The show is titled “all the way to Bethlehem” and is comprised of 11 original songs written by Donna and cohorts. In between each song she shares her inspiration for the song and one of the band members reads a verse or two of scripture that tells the story from the conception to the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As is often the case when we gather to worship you could feel the very presence of the Lord with us. Donna’s passionate explanation of each song, the scripture readings and the performance of each song was surely an inspiration for all who were there.

Posted in Cainsville Community Church.


  1. Truly a blessing to be a part of this church family! Thanks to all that were a part of the events and those that their hearts and prayers were with us as well. May God bless you all! 🙏

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