No matter how frustrating and crazy our lives are, especially this time of year, many of us feel the need to reach out to others that may be in need. Recently a friend received a monetary gift through a door prize drawing but returned it and stated she would like someone who may be in more need of the gift than herself to receive it. What a beautiful and generous act on her part. That not only describes that one act but says a lot about the person she is. We hear some wonderful stories of those that give and give because that is who they are and don’t expect anything in return except for a positive result for those that they have helped. This is how we glorify God, this is how we show people who we are. We may not be able to reach everyone in need but if we can make an impact on one person at a time we have given not only them a gift but ourselves as well. May this time of year remind us to not only give now, but to give all through the year. For those that refrain from doing so for their own selfish reasons, I am sorry for all that you will miss, remember, it could be you in need at some time in your life, someone is always in need!

Proverb 11:24-25
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Heavenly Father, remind us always to be selfless in our actions and look to serve others with joy and gladness. We pray that our generosity with our time will bring glory and honor to Your name and generate the light of Your love through us. In Your precious name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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