Compromising is a way of reaching an agreement in which each person, or group, gives up something that was wanted in order to end an argument or dispute. To compromise is not always an easy thing to do because we all want things to go “our” way, and some of us think it’s the right way . That’s why it is important that we all learn to listen to one another because we all have legitimate “wants and needs” and compromising is how we meet those “wants and needs.” If our conflicted world could understand that things would certainly be different. We know there is no compromising when it comes God’s commands, and for those that do compromise God’s word there are, and will be, consequences . When we actively pursue a deeper relationship with God and obey Him in all things, we are less likely to compromise because we trust Him and His truth!

Psalm 119 : 3(NLT)
They do not compromise with evil and they walk only in his paths.

Prayer :
Heavenly Father, we know when it comes to compromise there is none where you are concerned, but help us to be good listeners when it comes to compromising with others, even when it comes to the simplest everyday issues. All we want is a peaceful solution. In your precious name . Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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