With the upcoming presidential election, voters have a tough decision to make. Who will make the better leader? Most of us have a pretty good idea of what direction we are going because we are being directed by the one who knows our hearts. However, there are those who think if a celebrity endorses a candidate then that is who they should vote for, bad or good. Guess they figure if they are good enough for this particular celebrity they are good enough for them. It seems a shame that celebrities need to be used to promote an election when people should be following their own hearts and not the influencer’s. It’s up to us to know what the candidates platforms are and what they are going to do to make this a better country, not what the celebrities, or influencers, tell us they are. Most likely the candidates issues are suited to them, the influencers, and not us! Listening and praying for continued guidance from the Holy Spirit within us as election day approaches, will help give us direction and ease our conscience knowing we have done what is best for us, not someone else. “Look to the Lamb” for guidance!

Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Heavenly Father, continue to guide us when decisions need to be made whether large or small, we always need your direction so the outcome will be what is best for us and not someone else. In your precious name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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