Dealing With Negative People!

It’s difficult to be around negative people. It seems no matter what you say, suggest, or how helpful you try to be, they find something negative about it . After a while it begins to wear you down where you feel you are drowning in negativism just like them! Then you wonder if there is something wrong with yourself and you began to doubt everything you say, or your just not perceiving the person the way you should. Frustrating to say the least! I wonder if people like that fully understand how they are coming across to others? On the other hand maybe this how they deal with things to make their lives a little easier, ignore it and it “will” go away, or so they think. We saw the same thing throughout the bible, and we saw the results and consequences for negative actions . Some people are afraid of things they don’t know about and don’t want to face them, or the truth!

1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived : “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Prayer :
Heavenly Father, we pray for strength when dealing with negative people so we are not consumed by their unhappiness and don’t carry their burdens. Please touch and soften the hearts of negative people so they understand the results of what a positive attitude can bring t o their lives. In your name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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