Experiencing Isolation

If you have ever experienced a period of isolation, as we all have at some time in our lives, you know it may be not only a lonely experience but a frightening one as well. Isolation comes in many forms but often times it’s by choices we have made. Sometimes it’s by
situations we are in and don’t know where or who to turn to. We all enjoy, and usually need, our private times which can help to revitalize us. Then there are those that prefer total isolation from the world not wanting to deal with anything more than surviving from
day to day. I never could “get” that as it would seem to do more harm than good as far as a person’s well being. God made Adam a mate so he wouldn’t be alone. When we are surrounded by people who love, encourage and lift us up, why would we isolate ourselves from that?! Think of what we would miss!

Genesis 2:18
The Lord God said, “it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Thank you Father for the loving and helpful people in our lives who care about our well being and who we would not want to be isolated from. Help us to reach out to others who may feel that way and let them know they are not alone. In your name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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