Finding Peace In Our Chaotic World!

Finding the peace we all our seeking from time to time is not always easy in our chaotic world, not to mention chaos at work, with our politicians, and even within our own homes! Sometimes our peace is disrupted through choices we have made and sometimes things just happen. Finding the strength to overcome it all is not always an easy task, but if you seek it, you will find it. As I am maturing with age and my christian faith, I know where my strength and peace can be found and that is in my Heavenly Father. When you are open to what He has for you, the easier it is to gain the strength you need to find your peace, and that is what we ”all” desire. He is just a prayer away.

Psalm: 29:11
The Lord gives strength to His people, and the Lord blesses His people with peace.

Thank you father for helping us find the peace and strength we all desire. In a chaotic world may we be reminded to be still and listen. In your name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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