God’s Blessings of Talents and Gifts

God has blessed each one of us with talents and gifts. They can be spiritual or worldly. Having watched a baseball player hit a record breaking number of home runs made me wonder what God thinks of this. Does He see this as much importance or does He see this player as proving himself as doing his very best with the gift he has received from God. It’s all in how he reacts to his actions, will he remain humble or “flaunt” it as so many do who do not understand what Godly gifts and talents are? They are not from “self” but chosen for you by God! Whatever these gifts and talents are, we are to bless others with them however and wherever God leads us!

James 4:6 But God gives us even more grace, as the scripture says, “God is against the proud, but gives grace to the humble”

Lord, help us to continually bless those around us with the gifts and talents you have blessed us with. We pray they will see and do the same for those around them. Amen

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