God’s Word

God speaks to us in many ways and we gain clarification of his Word when it comes from multiple sources.

Brother Jim often speaks of opportunity’s we have to share God’s Word using encounters at the gas station as an example.

Allen Jackson’s devotional this morning, “This is Our Time”, sites 1 Peter 3:15-16 which encourages us to be ready with our “Jesus Story” and to share it in a kind and gentle way.

Penny shared this testimony just this morning:

“Never heard Jim’s ministry called gas station. I like. Let me share an incident from Friday in the ER with my dad. As he was being processed in a woman came in, extremely upset. Her son had a seizure and was in the ER too. I waited a few minutes to see if she calmed down but she didn’t. I went to her and asked if I could pray for her and she eagerly accepted. When I got back to my dad he asked what all that was about and how did I know her?
I told him I didn’t know her but that I felt like she needed someone to console her. He just looked at me and shook his head in disapprovement.
We r on our way back to Stonecrest for more blood work. I ask for continued prayer for his physical issues but also that his eyes would b opened to truth and that God would get thru to him possibly using this medical scare. I WILL NOT STOP PRAYING FOR PEOPLE THAT I FEEL LED TO AND WHO R WILLING TO ACCEPT PRAYER.

Several of us have heard Brother Alan and Tommy’s encouraging testimonies of “casting seeds” in unusual places.

The Holy Spirit is speaking (shouting if you will) for us to be bold and make use of every opportunity we get to spread the Word of God.

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