Happy Mother’s Day!

As we honor Moms everywhere, let’s stop and reflect on the role they played in our lives. I’m so grateful I had such a good relationship with my Mom and though she has been gone for many years I still miss her dearly. A Mother’s love runs deeper than anyone could imagine, and I am sorry for those that never knew that. My Mother set a good example of what that love was even though she lost her own Mother when she was just eight years old. I believe because of the love, christian values and nurturing she was given by those who helped raise her made her the person she came to be. A Mother is so many things, but mostly they just love unconditionally. I hope I am setting the same example for my own children, and grandchildren, but only time will tell that! Wasn’t Jesus much the same? He loves unconditionally, He is teacher, counselor, friend, mentor, we know the rest! I know we Moms are not that perfect but I’m glad we have so many of the tools He provided us with to love and guide our children through twists and turns of life. May you have a blessed Mother’s Day!

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Dear God, we give thanks for Mothers everywhere, we know you created them to be vessels to love and nurture your children and teach them to be good servants in all they do. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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