How Did I Get to Where I Am

How often don’t we stop and wonder how we got to where we are now. We as Christians know it’s all part of God’s plan for us, but what about those who don’t get that? How much easier it would be for them if they understood that and it wasn’t just by luck, or their own “arrogance,” that they landed that ideal job, live in a perfect neighborhood or attend a church where they feel loved and accepted, etc., etc. When we depend on our own ideals and perceptions, they aren’t always so “ideal,” and sooner or later we don’t feel like we belong, but once we get that “it is” God leading us and we trust in Him, there is comfort and satisfaction and we know we belong! I feel sorry for those who don’t “get it” because, most likely, they will always feel an uneasiness they don’t understand until thy let God intervene and open their hearts to Him.

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3 NIV
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Prayer: We give thanks, O’God, to where you have led us, we know we are here for reasons we may not always understand but we listen and wait for your comforting voice and loving hand that continues to move us to where we need to be, in Your name we pray. Amen

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One Comment

  1. So Sue’s ponder is a confirmation for my coworker! Monday she came in and said you are going to think I’m crazy but I was at Christian book store and felt nudged to go to an aisle and when i turned around there’s this book, “how did i get here” it’s a book about finding your way back to God when everything is pulling you away! She bought this book! How cool is our God!

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