Just when things seem to be going downhill, God always seems to have a way of making the hill flatter and easier to maneuver. Not that it happens all at once but He always helps us to find a way for improvement with whatever we are dealing with, as long as we are open to listening to Him and following His directions. It’s difficult when things are out of our hands and can’t control and that’s when we need to turn it all over to Him. When tragedies strike we have questions, “why did this happen” and, of course there are those that blame God for allowing it to happen, which He didn’t as it was more likely a decision made by someone who thought they knew better than anyone else, even God. Unfortunately there are those that have aloud evil to take over and don’t really care about the consequences, we know God will deal with them too. Why natural disasters happen is truly one of God’s mysteries and my thought on that is maybe He is trying to get our attention! Sometimes bad things just happen! I know all our questions will be answered one day and until then we have to accept what has happened, like it or not, and move on. On the other side of that we have seen how God brings good out of bad, such as how wonderful to see people reaching out to one another in times of need, and improvements that are, and can be, made to better prepare for another disaster if it so happens. Maybe
that’s what God is doing, preparing us for what is coming, so are you prepared, are you ready, or are you just going to continue to let things go downhill?

Matthew 19:26
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Heavenly Father, continue to strengthen our hearts especially when we feel we are sliding downhill and no end in sight. Help us to keep our eyes focused on you so we may find flatter ground to stand up on and the courage to move forward. In your precious name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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