Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Life came into being because of him, for his life is light for all humanity. And this Living Expression is the Light that burst through gloom-the Light that darkness could not diminish! Then suddenly a man appeared who was sent from God, a messenger named John. For he came to be a witness, to point the way to the Light of Life, and to help everyone believe. John was not that Light but he came to show who is. For he was merely a messenger to speak the truth about the Light. For the Light of Truth was about to come into the world and shine upon everyone.” John 1 :4-9 TPT

Growing up, and even today, I have been drawn to the magnificence of a lighthouse. They are usually decorated, or painted somewhat according to their surroundings, with an abundance of color. Then, as darkness sets in and the light. as it cascades across the water, with a beam that seemingly has no end, extends hope to all that take it in. This is the same, as with our Lord Jesus. He is our lighthouse, and his Light is our hope for eternal peace.

In this passage, we learn that Jesus is the true Light of the world, like a Lighthouse, with a beam of light that never ends. By following His Light, we can see how to live. Nothing can extinguish this true Light. The darkness of evil, which is sin, can never overcome, since Jesus is the Creator of this Light. To introduce this Light into the world, God sent a messenger named John. He was to explain, or point the way to this Light. which was Jesus. Within, and through this Light, we can continue to share this message of truth and hope by the way we live and words we speak. Our expectation of having the ability to share His Light can be found throughout His Word, and as we seek Him in the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of your Light, that being the Light of Jesus, every day of our lives, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Laue
Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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