Just A Few Of My Thoughts

“During those days, the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, ordered that the first census be taken throughout his empire. Everyone had to travel to his or her hometown to complete the mandatory census. So Joseph and his fiancé, Mary, left Nazareth, a village in Galilee, and journeyed to their hometown in Judea, to the village of Bethlehem, King David’s ancient home. They were required to register there, since they were both direct descendants of David. Mary was pregnant and nearly ready to give birth. When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, and there she gave birth to her firstborn son. After wrapping the newborn baby in strips of cloth, they laid him in a feeding trough since there was no available space in any upper room in the village.” Luke 2:3-7 TPT

We complain quite frequently when it comes to paying taxes, but even the Mother and earthly father of Jesus was required to do so. We are blessed with computers, internet, and phones to assist us in the performance of such tasks, and if necessary to travel, we have automobiles, planes, trains and buses of every sort, and of every make and model for transportation. Yet, obedience in following our laws tends to cause our patience to crumble.

In this passage we find obedience and patience, overcoming inconvenience and discomfort. In today’s world, we cannot comprehend walking, or riding on a donkey for sixty-five to seventy miles just to pay taxes or register for the government. We never read of their complaining, either from the trip, or the fact that they were forced to reside where the animals were kept for the birth of our Savior. Their faith carried them through the little setbacks, and today, the same can be ours, all for the asking!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, our inconveniences and discomforts are going to appear, therefore, let them strengthen our faith, and bring us peace.

In Christ Love
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