Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Some of us set sail upon the sea to faraway ports, transporting our goods from ship to shore. We were witnesses of God’s power out in the ocean deep; we saw breathtaking wonders upon the high seas. When God spoke he stirred up a storm, lifting high the waves with hurricane winds. Ships were tossed by swelling sea, rising to the sky, them dropping down to the depths, reeling like drunkards, spinning like tops, everyone at their wits’ end until even sailors despaired of life, cringing in terror. Then we cried out, ‘Lord, help us! Rescue us!’ And he did! God stilled the storm, calmed the waves and he hushed the hurricane winds to only a whisper. We were so relieved, so glad as he guided us safely to harbor in a quiet haven.” Psalm 107:23-30 TPT

Life can so often be compared to the high rolling seas. Unfortunately, we can find ourselves being tossed about, as in a boat, with the realization of feeling as though we are about to be thrown in among the raging waves. Immediately, fear can engulf our very being, causing us to waver and doubt, or we can remember, with faith, to go to our Lord.

In this passage, the Psalmist is referring to when the disciples were in the boat with Jesus, asleep, resting quietly. With the storm raging, fear instead of faith quickly set in. Thankfully, Jesus being with them, was wakened, immediately bringing peace. Our storms are rarely on the seas, but rage within us, with the intent of causing turmoil and fear. Our peace can be found when we remember to use faith over fear. Imagine the privilege of waking Jesus while in the midst of our storms, it can be ours, all for the asking!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, regardless of the waves or winds confronting us, you remain ready to calm our seas.
In Christ Love

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