Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Give respect to your father and mother, for without them you wouldn’t even be here. And don’t neglect them when they grow old. Embrace the truth and hold it close. Don’t let go of wisdom, instruction, and life-giving understanding. When a father observes his child living in godliness, he is ecstatic with joy-nothing makes him prouder! So may your father’s heart burst with joy and your mother’s soul be filled with gladness because of you.” Proverbs 23:22-25 TPT

I feel so blessed to have had an earthly father who was, not only a Christian man, but one that lived his life accordingly. Both parents took us to Sunday School and Church and encouraged us to participate in the activities available for youth ministry. But, after church, Sunday afternoons belonged to Daddy. It was our special time to spend with him. During the summer months, he would take us fishing, but, during the winter, we would play games, play music, or just spend time walking and talking with him. All of which were filled with compilations of so many of life’s lessons.

In this passage, the son is encouraged to embrace wisdom, to hold on to the truth for life-giving instructions. As the son follows his parents’ wisdom, instructions, and understandings, as written in God’s Word, they will be filled with gladness and joy. Our earthly Father can teach us how to live while on this earth, with respect to our daily walk. Our joy springs forth, as we follow the teachings of our Heavenly Father, as found in His Word, knowing that He continues to care for us, as we seek his peace, living our lives in such a way on earth, that will be followed with a lifetime with Him, knowing it can be ours, all for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of honoring our earthly fathers, both those still with us, and those with Jesus, remembering our Heavenly Father continually awaits our call.

In Christ Love


Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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