Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“May we never forget that the Lord works wonders for every one of his devoted lovers. And this is how I know that he will answer my every prayer. Tremble in awe before the Lord, and do not sin ~gainst him. Be still upon your bed and search your heart before him. Bring to Yahweh the sacrifice of righteousness and put your trust in him. Lord, prove them wrong when they say, ‘God can’t help you!’ Let the light of your radiant face break through and shine upon us! The intense pleasure you give me surpasses the gladness of harvest time, even more than when the harvesters gaze upon their ripened grain and when their new wine overflows. Now, because of you, Lord, I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once, for no matter what happens, I will live unafraid!” Psalm 4:3-8 TPT

How many times do we let our patience run thin when our prayers are not immediately answered? Do we, in our haste for an answer, wonder if God is listening? Although his answers may not be as we expect, or in our desired timeframe, remembering that as his children, and in his love for us, listening and following his direction will ultimately lead to the peace we seek.

In this passage, King David is explaining how God listens and answers those who are faithful and devoted to him, as they call. His complete trust in God, allowed him to lie down in peace and sleep, regardless of his circumstance. Instead of harboring anxiety, knowing we can let the light of God’s radiant face shine upon us simply for the asking, should bring a calm within. Heavenly Father, help us to remember that our Lord works wonders for us, his devoted lovers, and that he answers every prayer, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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