Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Consider this: There was a farmer who went out to sow seeds. As he cast his seeds, some fell along the beaten path and the birds came and ate them. Other seeds fell onto gravel that had no topsoil. The seeds quickly shot up, but when the days grew hot, the sprouts were scorched and withered because they had insufficient roots. Other seeds fell among the thorns and weeds, so when the seeds sprouted so did the weeds, crowding out the good plants. But other seeds fell on good, rich soil that kept producing a good harvest. Some yielded thirty, some sixty, and some even one hundred times as much as he planted!” Matthew 13:Jb-8 TPT

As a child, I watched as my grandfather sowed seeds, walking along with his bucket of seeds in one hand, while scattering them with the other. As the years passed, and farmers began to use the more sophisticated equipment, containing the seeds, still, as they moved along, the seeds continued to be scattered in somewhat the same way. That is to say, some continued to fall on beaten paths, some on rocky soil, some among weeds and thorns, and some on rich soil. The same as when Jesus taught.

In this passage, Jesus was using this parable to illustrate how the teachings of God’s Word was and continues to be accepted. Some will fall on the beaten path where they are accepted, but quickly forgotten, some in rocky situations, sprouting quickly, but withering away in tough times, some falling among weeds and thorns, only to fade out among the crowds, but some will fall on the eager to learn absorbing all he has to offer. We, as His children, are blessed, in that we are allowed to choose how we accept the teachings of His Word, and in that, we can continue to seek Him, all for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of your Word, and that of
listening and being receptive to its teachings, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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