Just A Few Of My Thoughts…

“Send us out all over the world so that everyone everywhere will discover your ways and know who you are and see your power to save. Let all nations burst forth with praise; let everyone everywhere love and enjoy you! Then how glad the nations will be when you are their King. They will sing, they will shout, for you give true justice to the people. Yes! You, Lord, are the shepherd of the nations! No wonder the peoples praise you! The harvest of the earth is here! God, the very God we worship, keeps us satisfied at his banquet of blessings. And the blessings keep coming! Then all the ends of the earth will give him the honor he deserves and be in awe of him!” Psalm 67:2-7 TPT

How often do we speak before we think, or act in such a way that would certainly not be pleasing to our Lord? Sounds as though no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in the midst of, our path of exit speaks volumes as to the relationship we share with our Father. Do we take a moment seeking His direction, or hastily jump in the middle, right or wrong?

In this passage, the Psalmist is describing, just as Jesus taught many years later, that our words, our actions, our very way to thinking, depicts the relationship we share with Him. He continues to use us as vessels in the spreading of His unconditional love. Yet, in all things, we continue to be showered with His blessings! To God be the Glory!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, that as we celebrate this Independence Day, our freedom begins with our relationship with You, always available, just for the asking.

In Christ Love


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