Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let his Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life! If you listen to the Word and don’t live out the message you hear, you become like the person who looks in the mirror of the Word to discover the reflection of his face in the beginning. You perceive how God sees you in the mirror of the Word but then you go out and forget your divine origin. But those who set their gaze deeply into the perfecting law of liberty are fascinated by and respond to the truth they hear and are strengthened by it-they experience God’s blessing in all they do! If someone believes they have a relationship with God but fails to guard his words then his heart is drifting away and his religion is shallow and empty.” James 1 :22-26 TPT

How many times do we hurriedly read his Word and fail to follow its direction. This time of year, it seems that we live within a hurry up and wait mentality, with not enough time devoted to refueling our hearts. As we encounter times of indecisions, with choices before us that determine how we are to spend our time, knowing God’s desire should be our goal. So, instead of dwelling on the questions of where to go, or what to do, diving into his Word with prayer can certainly make a difference.

In this passage, James is reminding us of the importance of, not only reading and listening to his Word, but also following its direction. It is by Grace that we are blessed with the ability to go to our Father, no matter the circumstance. In our relationship with him, learning to control our words amidst all our surroundings, can at times prove to be challenging. Learning to lean on Him during these busy times can take the place of anxiety, creating such a difference, that can be ours, simply for the asking!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, reading and listening to your Word is important, but living, as it teaches, can result in our peace, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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