Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Suddenly, the earth shook violently beneath their feet as the angel of the Lord Jehovah descended from heaven. Lightning flashed around him and his robe was dazzling white! The guards were stunned and terrified-lying motionless like dead men. Then the angel walked up to the tomb, rolled away the stone, and sat on top of it! The women were breathless and terrified, until the angel said to them, ‘There’s no reason to be afraid. I know you’re here looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here-he has risen victoriously, just as he said! Come inside the tomb and see the place where our Lord was lying. Then run and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead! I give you his message: I am going ahead of you in Galilee, and you will see me there.’ They rushed quickly to tell his disciples, and their hearts were deep in wonder and filled with great joy.” Matthew 28:2-7 TPT

Another earthquake, which could have stopped them, instead, the women, in their love for Jesus were going to anoint his body with oil. Of course, their findings were terrifying. Imagine an angel rolling away such a stone, then sitting on it. Even more unsettling could have been their invitation to enter the tomb. Inside, they found the burial cloths neatly folded, with Jesus gone, an empty tomb then, that continues to remain empty today.

In this passage, the women were attempting to carry out the ancient custom of anointing the body with oil. Instead, they were greeted with an angel, proclaiming the resurrection of our Lord. ‘He is risen, He is alive,’ news that turns fear into joy, and upon our excepting, by faith, this resurrected Jesus as Lord of our lives, grants us, a life of eternity with Him, simply by our asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the sacrificial gift of your Son, and that the power that brought him back to life, can, through the Holy Spirit, continue to live in us, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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