Just a few of My Thoughts …

“‘God, everyone sees your goodness, for your tender love is blended into everything you do. Everything you have made will praise you, fulfilling its purpose. And all your godly lovers will be found bowing before you. They will tell the world of the lavish splendor of your kingdom and preach about your limitless power. They will demonstrate for all to see your miracles of might and reveal the glorious majesty of your kingdom. Every one of your godly lovers receives even more than what they ask for. For you hear what their hearts really long for and you bring them your saving strength. God, you watch carefully over all your lovers like a bodyguard, but you will destroy the ungodly. I will praise you, Lord! Let everyone everywhere join me in praising the beautiful Lord of holiness from now through eternity!” Psalm 145:9-12, 19-21 TPT

How often do we think about the goodness of God? His love for us overshadows the times when we feel as though we are at the end of our rope, feeling powerless. It is in and through him that we are blessed with the hope of spending eternity with Him. He has proven to be gracious, merciful, and slow to anger, yet filled with a bundle of loving kindness.

In this Psalm, just as with so many, when reading the words, his greatness is easily revealed. He is our great burden bearer, with shoulders broad enough to handle from the simplest to whatever we find ourselves confronting, within the challenges of our lives. His greatness is beyond our understanding, filled with splendor and majesty, yet he stands ready to meet our every need, to lift us up, to carry our burdens, to dry our tears, and bring us into a peace filled state of mind, all for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, that it is only in and through you that our lasting peace will come, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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