Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Everyone everywhere, lift up your joyful shout to God! Sing your songs tuned to, his glory! Tell the world how wonderful he is. For he’s the awe-inspiring God, great and glorious in power! We’ve never seen anything like him! Mighty in miracles, you cause your enemies to tremble. No wonder they all surrender and bow before you! All the earth will bow down to worship: all the earth will sing your glories forever! In his great and mighty power he rules forever, watching over every movement of every nation. So beware, rebel lands: he knows how to humble you! There’s no doubt about it: God holds our lives safely in his hands. He’s the one who keeps us faithfully following him.” Psalm 66:1-4, 7, 9 TPT

Whether we are aware of it or not, our God is consistently rescuing us. So many times, we find ourselves in the throes of some type of adversity, and without taking the time to rationalize what may or may not be going on, we can begin to slowly fall into uncharted waters. It is within these times, we are to cling to You, Father, since according to your Word, as our faith is tested, our endurance grows, resulting in perfection.

In this passage, the psalmist is expressing the importance of praising our awe-inspiring God, no matter the circumstance. Within our praises, the enemy has no standing, no place to be, therefore, he has to flee. We are assured, that within his mighty power, he rules forever, watching over us, holding us safely in the palm of his hand, and in doing so, our peace is found, and it is always available, all for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, that in your love for us, no matter the circumstance, you hold us in the palm of your hand, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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