Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“God’s plan all along was to bring this message of salvation to the nations through the revelation of faith. Long ago God prophesied over Abraham, as the Holy Scriptures say: ‘Through your example of faith all the nations will be blessed!’ And so the blessings of Abraham’s faith is now our blessing too! But if you choose to live in bondage under the legalistic rule of religion, you live under the law’s curse. For it is clearly written: Utterly cursed is everyone who fails to practice every detail and requirement that is written in this law! For the scriptures reveal, and it is obvious, that no one achieves the righteousness of God by attempting to keep the law, for it is written: Those who have been made holy will live by faith! So until the revelation of faith for salvation was released, the law was a jailer, holding us as prisoners under lock and key until the ‘faith,’ which was destined to be revealed, would set us free.” Galatians 3:8-11,23 TPT

Have you ever tried to explain faith, the Holy Spirit, or the love of Jesus to anyone? It is so grand, yet so down to earth and simple, that it’s seemingly hard for so many to actually grasp. Try explaining the wind, a rainbow, or the beauty found in the appearance of a sunrise, or a sunset, and faith, which is unquestionable belief, or complete trust, or loyalty, each pointing directly to our Heavenly Father.

In this passage. the Apostle Paul is telling us that through the example of Abraham’s faith, all the nations will be blessed, and by this same faith, so are we. We are blessed in that we do not have to live by the law. Paul continues to explain that our works are not sufficient, instead, through faith, with the Holy Spirit, our blessings will come, as we seek his peace, all for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember, that without faith, we are lost and without hope, but with faith, we can be filled with your blessings.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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