Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Even if a king has the best-equipped army, it would never be enough to save him. Even if the best warrior went to battle, he could not be saved simply by his strength alone. Human strength and the weapons of man are false hopes for victory; they may seem mighty, but they will always disappoint. The eyes of the Lord are upon even the weakest worshipers who love him-those who wait in hope and expectation for the strong, steady love of God. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy flowing from Yahweh! Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon you!” Psalm 33:16-18,21,22 TPT

Regardless of our occupation, or the position we claim to hold in life, we have had to trust in the expertise of others, for direction. Trusting begins at birth with our parents. This weekend we have the privilege of honoring our Fathers, saying thanks and doing a little something special to show them our love. While doing so, we should remind ourselves that we are all blessed with a Heavenly Father, also deserving of our praise and thanks, since he too, has loved and provided from the beginning, and continues to do so.

In this passage, the Psalmist is explaining, that no matter the training, the equipment, or the warrior, without God, failure usually follows. We do not need to even think about fighting our battles, no matter the size, alone, or within our own strength, and expect victory. Life is a daily challenge, but in his love for us, our Heavenly Father has provided his book of road maps filled with directions and resolutions. Trusting him for our peace through it all is as simple as asking!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of putting our trust in you, no matter the circumstance, as we honor you on this Father’s Day, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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