Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“When people work, they earn wages. It can’t be considered a free gift, because they earned it. But no one earns God’s righteousness. It can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own works but believe in the one who powerfully declares the ungodly to be righteous in his eyes. It is faith that transfers God’s righteousness into your account! Even King David himself speaks to us regarding the complete wholeness that comes inside a person when God’s powerful declaration of righteousness is heard over our life. Apart from our works, God’s work is enough.” Romans 4:4-6 TPT

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone when they are asking what they need to do to earn the love and recognition of Jesus? Strangely enough, many times people cannot seem to understand the simplicity of salvation. They are looking for a way to earn that which is a gift from God, our Father, available to all, through his mercy and grace, and in that by faith, we simply except him.

In this passage, the apostle Paul is explaining the difference between working for a living to earn wages, and receiving God’s righteousness. There is no comparison of the two. We work to earn wages to live, but our acceptance of Jesus, as our Savior is through faith, and totally free of charge, since it is his gift to us. No matter how weak our faith, Jesus, in his love for us went to the cross, so that we, can forever live with him. We receive this gift through faith, believing and trusting in Jesus as we continue to seek all that he has for us, knowing it can be ours, all for the asking!

Heavenly Father, help us to remember that in your love for us, you freely gave us the gift of salvation, and that through faith, it can be ours, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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