Memorial Day Devotion

As we celebrate this Memorial Day weekend with picnics, family gatherings and so many other activities, I hope we also take time to remember and celebrate those who are serving, and who have served, to protect the freedom our country so often takes for granted. As the wife of a career military veteran, I learned first hand the sacrifices
that were made, not only by the one serving but the families as well. This is not only true for military families, but for those who serve in many other capacities. Are we not also reminded of the one who made the ultimate sacrifice to save us all from ourselves?! Some died for many, one died for all!

Ezekial 39:20
And you shall be filled at my table with horses and charioteers, with mighty men and all kinds of warriors, declares the Lord God!

Thank you Father for the freedom we so often take for granted. May we be reminded, with gratitude, not only his Memorial Day, but everyday of the sacrifices made for us to remain free. In Your name we pray.

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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