Small Gestures/Big Impact!

I believe most people don’t realize the impact one small, kind, gesture can have on a person. It can be anything from a smile, pat on the back, a hug, or just a “hello”. When my father passed away, many years ago, and as the graveside service was ending, a male friend of mine walked up to the back of my chair, laid his hand on my shoulder and asked if “I was okay.” I’m not sure if it was how he said it or his hand on my shoulder, but it was a warm gesture I have never forgotten, even after so many years. I believe kind gestures are how God wants us to show His love and light to others for this could be the only uplifting experience they have had or just what they needed at that particular time. When God urges you to show that one small gesture to someone, just do it, you may never know the impact it might have on their life!

Hebrews 13:1-2
Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels.

Heavenly Father, help us to obey your commend when it comes to a kind gesture to others. We pray that they feel your love thru us and it will impact their lives for ever! Amen

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