Staying Connected!

Our means of communication has certainly changed over the years. I remember when we needed a ”live person” (we called them operators) would have to connect us to the person we needed to talk to. Then there was the “party lines” where several people were connected to one telephone line and we would have to wait until they were done talking to be connected to who we needed to talk to! Then came the rotary phone, most of our young would say “a what?” Actually, back then, it was a bit foreign to us as well, but how much more convenient it was once we got use to it. Even private phone lines were being installed! To think now, we have phones we can carry with us and talk or text immediately
whenever we want or need to. Our age of electronics is almost overwhelming at times, truly remarkable one time and confusing the next! I’m glad our connection to God has never been that complicated. We don’t need an electronic device, don’t need to push any buttons or go through multiple people to reach Him. All we need to do is open our
mouths and start talking to Him directly. Praise God!

Jeremiah 29:12
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.

Thank you Father for keeping our line of communication to you so simple. Remind us of that whenever we have to dial a number or be put on hold in order to talk to someone, unlike you who is always there. In Your name. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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