Striving To Be Accepted

We all strive to be accepted by those we interact with. It’s not always easy as we may face rejection, criticism and loneliness. May folks believe they have to put on a certain “front” with a particular group of people so they are perceived as someone like them. God did not intend for us to be this way. He made us the way we are for a reason and a purpose. The closer we come to God and His word, the more we learn our purpose and how he wants to use us. It doesn’t matter what others think, we know what our Father thinks and that’s what really matters. Through this we can also learn how to accept and cope with those who may not always be themselves and even show them a better way! For myself I have learned to use humor with people like that, “quirks” and all and move on.

Proverbs 13:20
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Thank you Father for loving us the way we are, we know you have a reason and a purpose for us and we listen for your voice. Help us to accept and cope with those around us who don’t understand what it is to be themselves and showing them otherwise that there is more peace and happiness by just being “yourself” Amen

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