Suffering Losses

Losing a loved one is never easy no matter the circumstances. Our first question is always “why,” especially when it is the loss of a child, an accident, illness nor vicious attack and, sometimes, the loved one just “gives up.” There is never an answer that can justify the reason and we are arrogant to think “we” know the answer. As Christians we know full well who has the answers and is in control and I believe the circumstances are between the loved one lost and God and the more we are tuned into God’s word the more we understand., although still painful, His word can help us through the process. We can listen and become comforted and better, we can also become bitter, but remember, God never said it would be an easy journey!

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit!

Heavenly Father, help us to find peace in our sadness, wipe away our tears and ease our pain. We trust in your loving arms; they will comfort us! Amen

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