Life is full of the unexpected. We never expected our world to be in such chaos as it is now, not to mention the twists and turns of the unexpected in our own lives. As difficult as it is, we still have to live and continue moving forward. Life stands still for no one! As followers of Christ we know the “One” we can lean on. He never said the journey would be easy, if anything He said there would be trials, and the more we learn about Him the better we understand, even though we may sometimes think “why me Lord?” We can either pity ourselves, which will only put us in even a darker place, one we may not be able to easily come out of, or continue to walk in the light of the Lord and know there is glory in the end. We all have emotional needs, but it’s choices we make as to how we handle them. May the hand of God cover us all in our times of need!

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Heavenly Father lift us up in your loving arms when the unexpected happens and we don’t know what to do and need guidance and strength that only you Can provide. Helps us through the trials and tribulations that so many of us are facing. In your precious name. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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