The Written Word

I wonder how many people wonder why the bible was written and who wrote it? The bible was written to give us a historical record of God’s dealings with man, but also to reveal to us who He is and how to live a God-centered life. The authors were those chosen by God to write the words that He communicated to them. The bible can be a difficult read, depending on the one you are reading, but there is reading the bible and truly understanding what it means. Attending a bible study, for me, has certainly opened my eyes to so much of what God has for me and is doing for me. John 20:31 tells us that scriptures were written so that we know that Jesus is the son of God and that believing we may have life in His name. Although daily life is not a “piece of cake,” it’s so much better when we understand there is someone who always has our back! God never said this would be an easy journey, and I’m sorry for those who don’t understand God’s words that can make the journey a bit more bearable for them. We all need a stable foundation, and understanding what God has for us is great place to start! Reading the bible is one thing but knowing the author is another!

Psalm 119:34
Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart.

Lord, continue to open our minds to help us understand the bible and who your are. Open our eyes to see your truths in your instructions. Continue to fill us with spiritual wisdom and insight to better understand what we read. In your name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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