I recently watched a video of a little girl, maybe 3 or 4 yrs. old, who mistook an elderly gentleman with a long white beard and long white hair for Santa Claus. The sweetness of all this was the man had a very slow gait and was using a walker but was able to bend down on one knee to talk with this little who hadn’t hesitated to run directly to him. I couldn’t hear all of the discussion they had but know some of it was her showing him her newly painted fingernails . How gracious of this man to kneel down to the little girls level to look into her eyes and make her feel special . Is that not a real Santa Claus? I can only imagine how grateful her parents were for his kindness. When was the last time you showed kindness and knelt down to someone’s level and made their day special? Is that not what we are told throughout the bible over and over again?

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Matthew 5:24
Leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

Father, grant us the strength to perform acts of kindness, even if it means bending down on one knee. Help us to remember to never expect anything in return. In your precious name we pray. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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