Wake Up With Purpose!

Do you have mornings when you wake up and wonder what your purpose is? I’m sure we all have at one time or another. It’s easy to fall into a “rut” where we are unsure of what our purpose is. That’s when we let our Lord step in and clear it all up. He reminds us of where we have been and what we accomplished and what we have yet to accomplish. Our purpose might be just meeting up with someone in need at the “gas station,” or someone in need at the “grocery store.” He will place us where we need to serve our purpose at the right place and the right time, and the closer we are to Him the more He will grace and bless us with knowing what our purpose is!

2 Timothy 1:9
Who hath saved us and called us an holy calling, not according to our
works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us
in Christ Jesus before the world began.

Lord, continue to bless us with a purpose for each day, through us may we show others Your love and grace. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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