When an infant smiles for the first time, it’s hard to describe the feeling inside of you. It certainly is “magical” and one you won’t forget anytime soon. How many times don’t you smile when you think of that time? Smiles are heartwarming and show that you are an approachable person to most people. Smiles can make you and those around you feel better, which is healthy and healing and certainly needed at this time now more than ever. A smile doesn’t cost anything, and isn’t hard work but just the use of a few muscles in your face. It radiates a light from within us that God so desires for us to do. A smile can be a silent hug without touching someone just to know you care. We know there are those that don’t respond to smiles, but don’t let that stop you from smiling as it may be the only warm and friendly thing they have seen in days, weeks or months! We ourselves have our “off” days, so just remember what the last smile did for you, or your smile did for someone else.

Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Heavenly Father, help us to continually show your light through smiles and warm gestures to those we come in touch with everyday. Help us to remember the smiles that lifted us up when we were down. In your precious name. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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