Even in our weakest moments we can find the strength to move forward and we know that is not from ourselves but our Lord, who walks with us everyday. He knows our weaknesses and is there beside us to walk us through whatever it is we are going through and guide us unto a path that will strengthen us. Having to deal with several issues recently, never believing issues I would have to deal with, I’ve turned to “Him” with more frequency everyday, not asking for anything more but the strength to forge ahead and deal with what needs to be said and done, especially when things are out of our control. His strength and guidance has led me this far and we do see a light as we work our way through the darkness. It will come as long as our faith stays strong and we let Jesus lead the way. We must remember when we thought He was at His weakest, He was really at His strongest, and we need to follow that example. Let’s all learn to lean on Him more and not ourselves for strength.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Heavenly Father, strengthen us when we are at our weakest, love us when we feel unlovable, give us courage when we feel frightened and comfort when we feel alone. Remind us of your continued presence beside us, always. In your precious name. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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