Just A Few Of My Thoughts …

“Wise instruction is like a costly gem. It turns the impossible into success. Love overlooks the mistakes of others, but dwelling on the failures of others devastates friendships. One word of correction breaks open a teachable heart, but a fool can be corrected a hundred times and still not know what hit him. A dear friend will love you no matter what, and a family sticks together through all kinds of trouble. A joyful. cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression. Can you bridle your tongue when your heart is under pressure? That’s how you show that you are wise. An understanding heart keeps you cool, calm, and collected, no matter what you’re facing.” Proverbs 17:8- 1O, 17, 22, 27 TPT

When we are assembling a piece of furniture, or anything, do we take the time to read the instructions, or do we just start assembling? If not, we can find ourselves in the middle of, or near what should be the completion, in a bit of a little mess, with parts and pieces, having no place to go. Think of how less complicated it could have been if only we had read the instructions? Our lives are somewhat the same, that of being constantly assembled. In order for us to grow spiritually, following His instructions, no matter what we are facing, with an understanding heart can bring healing to both body and soul.

Within these verses, King Solomon is providing us with some much-needed wisdom, filled with instructions on how to live in the midst of life’s many challenges. He provides us with the meaning of true friendship, one that consists of love, loyalty, and respect. He beckons us to greet people with a cheerful heart, using words of encouragement. He challenges us in learning to bridle the tongue, so that we think before we speak, no matter the circumstance. In our quest to be more like Him, our goals should be for more of His wisdom, with the addition of patience, honesty and an outpouring of love, knowing they can be ours, for the asking.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember the importance of your instructions as we strive to live our lives pleasing to you, and be ever so thankful.

In Christ Love

Posted in Margaret Hatcher.

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