Honoring Our Military Folks, Past & Present

Recently we celebrated Veteran’s Day and as a wife of a military veteran I do hope the majority of people took a few moments on that day to reflect on what it is about and why it is so important. It is because of these folks, past, present, active duty and retired that we have the freedoms that we do. Think about it, we can choose our own paths in life, worship as we please, “marry whom we please,” well you get the picture. God has blessed us more in this country than what we deserve. Please remember we are “one nation under God.” Our country was built on that! Thank you Veterans and active duty for fighting for our freedoms that God has blessed us with.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Heavenly Father, bless our military folks, past and present. We honor them with our warmest gratitude for all thier scrifices to protect our freedoms. Amen

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