The Difference Between A Boss And A Leader!

We’ve all had a boss at one time, but was he a “boss” or a “leader.” A boss will use people, usually because they don’t want to get their “hands dirty,” but a leader will not be afraid to get his, or her, “hands dirty” wanting only the best for their people enabling them to
thrive and develop into good leaders themselves. A good leader would say, “I wouldn’t expect anyone to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself.” A boss and leader can be one in the same only if they put their people first and not themselves. Jesus was definitely both, not afraid to set the example of what a boss and leader should look like and be like. He was enabling and preparing His disciples to be the leaders He knew they would be, and that is what He wants for us. “He is the potter (boss/leader)we are the clay!”

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves.

Thank you Father for the opportunity to be in leadership positions. Help us to always remember to put people first and never be afraid to get our “hands dirty” when we need to do so. You see our potential and allow us to grow and make a difference in a positive direction. Amen

Posted in Sue Reinemann.

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